Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Attempting to Sketch

I started to sketch out my story boards over the weekend, and I found that I had great difficulty in sketching the angles. I began my career in this field with 3D and my 2D skills have not developed to the extent that I would like.
In any case, one of our classmates, Cidalia, helped us out on the story boards, and we put them together as a rough animatic. This rough animatic has given me new perspective into line of action, camera, and even shots that I could probably cut out. The timing when put together with the transitions is making the length of my trailer too long, and this is without the logos etc of the production houses. Which means that I will need to edit this further so that I am still telling part of the story and yet keeping the length to 60 seconds.
I need to start my research on fluids for the mist and the trees shattering as if being torn apart. That is going to be a challenge, but hopefully the particles class will give me some new ideas as to how I should approach it. I know what I want I just need to figure out how I'm going to translate that into 3D.

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