Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dynamics and Particles

For my dynamics and particles class I wanted to create the BAMF kind of feel of particles that shadow the Jabberwocky's wings.
I have not been very successful with this as yet but i am still working on the kind of an effect that I would like to create. My main challenge is that in the Original BAMF effect it worked really well as they used millions and millions of particle instances, which is not something that i could replicate due to the time and also my machine constraints. I found that multi streaks are giving me a nice effect, similar to awarm of flies around the jabberwocky. Adding some cloud particles or even some fluids with that I could possibly generate a nice effect.

Here is my first test for that. I am using a model created by Adrian for another thesis student.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Since our last industry critique, I have not had much time to work on the thesis paper or start the 3D animatic as I have been pretty busy with classes and finals coming up in three weeks.
For my lighting and rendering 2 class I am using one of our scenes to test out and render with Mental Ray. This has been quite a task. I used Mental Ray's physical sun and sky for our Dan project to render the Donkey in its various surroundings. i want to use the same for lighting the scene for the L&R 2 class. Mental Ray shader networks are fairly complex and require a lot of R&D. I will be combining this with Maya's shading networks too.

Here is an example of lighting a scene using Mental Rays physical sun and sky

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Industry Critique

We had our Industry critique today with Andrew Schneider, FX TD, Bluesky
Brien Hindman, Senior Modeler, Blue Sky and along with Myles Tanaka as the moderator.
Being the first to present, we jumped right into introductions and what our thesis was all about. After showing them some of the concept tests, our color palettes, and reference images we put the animatic on.
It looked good on the screen and the sound was really great. Once we were done with showing all that we had to it was time to face the music...
Their first suggestion was that we should break the thesis down into a schedule and then stick to that. After watching the animatic, they wondered if maybe it was too long but at the same time they felt that it may not be very ambitious (which I completely disagree to). They also felt that it did not come across so much as a trailer as much, and it felt more like the first half of a short. After watchign the trailer in class again, and speeding it up almost 3 times its speed we did decide to speed up the shots and cut down the length to almost half.

Trailer (faster)

They had some really good suggestions regarding the jabberwocky character and how we should rig it, as have different rigs depending on the shot and the framing of the shot. One of their ideas was to show off the jabberwocky more and actually see the fight between William and the Jabberwocky, which Adrian and I are considering.
Some of their other suggestions were regarding the camera and framing and this would help a great deal in heightening the tension.
As for the sound they felt it worked, and suggested that we do put in more sound FX.
One of their worries were the wings of the Jabberwocky and the idea that we were planning to use cloth for it, as suggested by them we are thinking about considering using a blend shape to have them open up.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Animatic Round 3

So we finally have a kinda finished animatic. This is what we shall be presenting tomorrow to the previz industry panel.
We are using a logo that I created for my class to start it off, and may change this later. Turn your speakers up

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jabberwocky Videos on Google

I was checking on google video if my animatic would pop up when I typed Jabberwocky Animatic (title of my animatic), and I got a whole page of videos for Jabberwocky.
Here is one I would like to share......its hilarious

Monday, November 5, 2007

Design Production_01

Got some images together for our color palette, and made a collage out of it. I also looked into Tyquane's suggestion of the website www.colourlovers.com. Its a cool site, and very helpful. Then I researched some different sites for the meanings etc of color, and unfortunately I cannot reference wikipedia, but I got a lot of information regarding the same.

We also spoke to Christian Meija, who is now going to develop our color story boards for us. His skills at photoshop are amazing and i am really looking forward to the results. Most of our pre-production work is working out really well thanks to all the help from our classmates and friends. I have to say, we have some of the most amazing people at CADA. I hope that I am able to return the favor.

Adrian suggested the website www.colorblender.com for the color palette, and it is an amazing website, very interactive, allows you to save your color palette, and also download it as color swatches.

Following are the color palettes for William, Jabberwocky, the forest and the vorpal sword





Saturday, November 3, 2007

Design Production

Our assignment this week is to get into the color, composition, design elements, and to create a style frame. Unfortunately I have not had time to do much except look at some images with regard to the colors of our thesis.

I also need to create a style frame with colors. Time is flying really fast and its getting more difficult to keep up with the pere-production as well as the 3 other classes. Fortunately we can use our thesis as finals for our classes. So for my lighting and rendering final assignment I will create the scene where William is holding the sword and the emblem that he has in his hand. It may not be the final sword that we go for, but as long as I get the look right I will have achieved a lot.

I sent across our animatic to Alistair Farrant, he is doing the graphics communication course at SCPS and sound is his hobby. He will be creating the music as well as doing the voice over and all the sound effects for our project. Co-ordinating is a little difficult but I am sure once everything starts rolling it will become easier.

To top it all, being the artist in the family I was emotionally blackmailed into creating a family tree for my Uncles 60th birthday, if it was not for Junie I would have probably have spent atleast 2-3 days on creating it. Thank you junie.....feel free to grab me for any kind of help you ever need.